ft river flows in you- yiruma//
Look at yourself now.
Remember yourself back then.
Think about the times you wanted to give up,think about how you didnt.
Allah sends us test after test.
Some are so small we tend to forget and some are so big,we carry them with us everyday.
Think for a moment,
about the times you felt so low,
about the times you felt so alone.
And remember just one thing.
Allah .
Remember how Allah saved you.
How the ease He promised you came after the pain.
Well, Allah had promised us twice in Al Quran.
" After hardship is ease"
Remember how the smile you forgot,
How hard all of those things for you to face
you learned again.
Think about how the smallest things used to make you cry,
And now,
They have made you realise that they were not meant for you,and that you were not meant for them.
Whatever you went through and whoever it made you become ,be thankful for it.
Some people comes a blessing & some people comes as lessons.
La tahzan. Do not be sad, Trust him. Be strong. Make a step! Move forward.
Fly high! & stay there. Be happy there.
No matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it..... some stories just dont have a happy ending.
It's define life.
The story written for us is by Allah, and it is Him who we can trust.Pray your heart out to Him.He will save you from this storm.
Dear, believe in Him . Have a faith. Allah is always be with you.